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Do You Not See All These Things?

Updated: Apr 20

I have always been fascinated by discovering the hidden images embedded within autostereograms. You’ve seen those, haven’t you? An autostereogram is a two-dimensional graphic image that contains a three-dimensional optical illusion embedded within its dot patterns and colors. When I first attempted to see these hidden images, it was somewhat difficult since you have to relax your eyes in a kind of cross-eyed sensation to view them. Even then, it takes the brain a few moments to translate the formation of the image. Some people can never do it and just give up.

One day, Jesus and His disciples were walking through Jerusalem when they came upon Herod’s Temple. The complex was still under construction, but even then was a majestic edifice. Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian, wrote that some of the stones were more than 70 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 8 feet high! The Temple complex was a point of great pride to the Jews, and the disciples were  excited to speak of its magnificent beauty with Jesus as they stood and took in the view.


Never wanting to miss the perfect teachable moment, Jesus asked them, “Do you not see all these things?” I can imagine them gazing around with a certain curiosity as to what He was referring to when Jesus abruptly stated, “Not one stone here shall be left upon another which will not be torn down!” (Matthew 24:1-2). In His divine omniscience, Jesus was giving them the prophetic insight that the splendid Temple towering before them would one day be totally destroyed, as history would reveal by Titus of Rome in A.D. 70.


Of course, they wanted to know, “When will these things be?” (24:3). Throughout chapters 24-25 of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus reveals the many prophetic signs and events that will characterize thousands of years across their future days and beyond even into our future. It is a fascinating study that every student of Scripture would be enriched and enlightened to dig into.


I want to draw your attention to the question Jesus posed to them – “Do you not see all these things?” The word see in this text means not only to view with the physical eyes but to perceive, discern, and gain understanding with spiritual eyes as well. When you look at the autostereogram in the title graphic of this blog article, what do you see? Just various shades of white, blue & purple dots? “Do you not see all these things?” There is more to behold. Go ahead and give it a try, but then please scroll down and continue to read.


I’ll bet you’ve heard some pastor or speaker emphasize the importance of developing a Biblical worldview. When you look at the world around us, there is more to see than just Washington politics, Russian collusion, Chinese communism, Middle East conflicts, high gas prices, interest rates & rising inflation, and cultural woke wars. It can be definitively argued that there is a “deep state” at work, but there is another agenda underway even deeper than that. If you don’t view the world with a different set of lenses, you will never bring into focus the most important aspects of the picture. Only God’s Word can give you that discerning perspective because – The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good (Proverbs 15:3), and based on the foreknowledge of God, He has a predetermined plan (Acts 2:33) to which everything is being sovereignly guided.


Let’s look at partisan politics, for example. We rally them around the common value of democracy, but in reality, it is just another form of power play with one side striving to win a majority over the other so that control of the wheels of government can be manipulated to the victor’s own political ideologies and predetermined agenda. Putin attacks Ukraine because he wants to control Europe. Xi Jinping eyes an attack on Taiwan because he wants to control that last piece of the Middle Kingdom ground. The same can be said of Kim Jong Un about South Korea and the Arabs about Israel. It doesn’t all happen on the other side of the water, either. Republicans and Democrats engage the same tug-a-war power plays right here at home to get what each thinks is best “for the American people” (we used to decide that for ourselves).


The rise to power for purposes of control is not anything new; it has just become more sophisticated and technologically advanced in its progress. Persons in history who sought to conquer and become world dictators include familiar names like Vladimir Lenin, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and, of course, Adolf Hitler. While they each had brief moments of victory, they each failed in their compulsive attempt. In my book series about Doctrines of Demons, I write about the obsession to rule and reign as originating from Satan himself (Isaiah 14:13-14).


“Do you not see all these things?” The dictatorship of the world is part of a predetermined plan that will soon be realized in a person the Scripture calls the man of lawlessness and the son of destruction (II Thessalonians 2:3). He is more commonly known as the Antichrist who will rule the world over a seven-year period of time the Bible calls the Tribulation. There is no question of his global reign, for authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation will be given to him (Revelation 13:7). Here’s the sobering news for Washington, Putin, Jong, Jinping, and all the others – that includes all of you! Your nations will one day bow to his command. Yes! Even America will be merged into the one-world government of the Tribulation Antichrist.


How does a nation fall to a world dictator? Jesus gave us the answer - "Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand.” (Matthew 12:25). In my book series, I write about the demonic Doctrine of Division that plays a diabolical role in Satan’s primary objectives for destitution, destruction, and death even for a nation. While the Antichrist could launch a military or terroristic attack on America that would destroy us as a nation, it may be far more likely that our lust for political power & control and the partisan ideologies & agendas we fight so hard to force & push through will become our own downfall, feeding us right into the hands of this vicious world dictator without him having to fire a single weapon. “Do you not see all these things?”


Let’s look at the economy. Scripture also tells us that this world dictator will have total control over the entire global economy. It comes as part of a frightening packaged deal. His right-hand man, simply identified in Revelation as the False Prophet - causes all…to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark. (Revelation 13:16-17). If you haven’t noticed, cash currency is on its way out. Cash Matters, an advocacy group funded by the International Currency Association (ICA), reports that globally, cash accounts for 16% of Point-of-Sale (POS) payments, while debit cards are used for 23%, credit cards for 26%, and digital wallets for 32%. That means more than 80% of all financial transactions around the world are now made in a digital exchange.


The Atlantic Council, an economic think-tank of global leaders who monitor financial and political changes to influence policy choices and strategies for a more free, secure, and prosperous world, reports that 130 countries are now exploring Central Bank Digital Currencies (DBDC), representing 98% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).  Sixty-four of those countries are now in the advanced phase of that exploration. Here in America, Reuters reports that President Joe Biden issued an “Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets” (EO-14067) on March 9, 2022, directing government agencies to analyze the pros and cons of creating a Central Bank Digital Dollar and the regulation of other cryptocurrency issues for a subsequent report back to the White House.


Speaking of cryptocurrency, Coin Market Gap reports that there are some 22,932 cryptocurrencies on the financial market with a total capitalization of $1.1 trillion, although only around 8,848 remain active. The two most known are Bitcoin and Ethereum, which comprise more than two-thirds of the crypto market.


There is coming a day when the hundred-dollar bill in your purse or wallet will be absolutely worthless; therefore, so will your 401K and stock portfolio. All the physical currencies in the world will crash and crumble, but the alternative and apparatus are already in place for one man and one system to control it all. “Do you not see all these things?”


Let’s take a brief look at that mark he will require to buy and sell – the famous “666.” (Revelation 13:18). What it is and what it depicts has been the fruitless speculation of untold thousands since Scripture revealed it. I align my thoughts & interpretations with the overwhelming majority of Biblical scholars who believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture of all true followers of Jesus Christ. Accordingly, if you think the COVID-19 vaccination is the mark of the beast, I’ve got bad news - we’ve all been left behind!


The point is, no one knows what this mark is going to be, but one thing we can know. The Greek word in the original text refers to a permanent stamp, imprinted mark, or one that is carved, sculpted, or engraved into the skin. It seems to me one thing that has been around for thousands of years that can meet that definition is a tattoo. In the early years of the 20th Century, tattoos were considered a “taboo” in American culture, only adorned by sailors, criminals, and circus & carnival workers. The Pew Research Center reports that now 32% of all Americans have a tattoo, with 22% having more than one. Their popularity spreads uninhibited across genders, ages, races, and ethnicities.


Why the sudden surge in tattoo popularity and acceptance? “Do you not see all these things?” One day, the Antichrist and his False Prophet will issue the “executive order” for the necessary mark to feed your family, purchase your medications, and get paid for your labor – all done with digital currency. According to Forbes, the tattoo market was valued at $1.89 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow from $2 billion this year to $3.92 billion by 2030. Imagine the wealth that might be amassed during the Tribulation Period if, indeed, a tattoo will bear the mark of the beast.


In describing the kind of person the Antichrist will be, the Old Testament prophet, Daniel, throws in a little phrase that will characterize part of his lifestyle – he will show no regard…for the desire of women (Daniel 11:37). Since that statement is sandwiched in his disregard for the religion of his forefathers and his insatiable lust for power & control, it could be that his mental, emotional and physical stamina will be set on nothing else and nothing less. But is there another subtle implication? “Do you not see all these things?” Is it possible he will be belligerent against the moral teachings of his forefathers and force his power & right to be openly and approvingly gay? Why has the whole LGBTQ+ lifestyle and agenda radically exploded across our culture over the past few decades? Why have gay rights, same-sex marriage, transgender care even for minor children, and the immoral climate it all brings to society supported by government, legislation, education, the fields of medicine & psychology, the pornography industry, Hollywood, news media, and yes, even many church denominations? Could it be the stage is simply being set for the sexual orientation of the Tribulation Antichrist and its full acceptance by that future world society?  “Do you not see all these things?”


What is happening in churches today that so many of these cultural conditions are being embraced in the name of love & acceptance for diversity and inclusion? It is a movement that has come to be politically and religiously referred to as progressivism, which I write about in the book series. In reality, it identifies ideologies that are advancing toward liberal left-wing cultural shifts. Just like the corporate world many churches are going “woke.” Clear teachings of Scripture must be disregarded or distorted in spiritual value & meaning to justify such moves, and progressivism provides that easy transition. The term itself is less stereotyped than “liberal.”


With the Antichrist controlling a one-world government and the global economy, the people of the world will be in their most vulnerable place for the next and most important desire of this ruthless dictator. The False Prophet – makes the earth, and those who dwell in it worship the beast, referring to the Antichrist (Revelation 13:12).  He even designs an image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak…and gives breath to the image (13:15). With the rapid advancements in robotic life-like artificial intelligence (AI), this could be quite an easy & elaborate accomplishment. “Do you not see all these things?”


The Antichrist will not tolerate the worship of any other religion anywhere in the world during his regime, and anyone who does not worship the image of the beast will be killed (13:15), especially those who worship the One and only True God.  He will open his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle…and all who dwell on the earth will worship him (13:6-8). Worshipping the beast is the same as worshipping the dragon, referring to Satan (13:4). With these executive orders firmly in place, the Antichrist will then control the one-world religion and be the object of its worship as he opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (II Thessalonians 2:4). The prophet Daniel and Jesus both refer to this reprehensible act as the abomination of desolation (Daniel 11:31; 12:11; Matthew 24:15).


How will churches and religions fall into such desolation and debauchery? John reveals that the spirit of antichrist is already at work in the world (I John 4:3). This shift toward a one-world religion is already underway. I have based my book series on Paul’s revelation – the Spirit explicitly says that in later times, some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons (I Timothy 4:1). He says – the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths (II Timothy 4:3-4). An apostasy from the true faith is already in motion.


Progressivism has given great headway to ecumenicalism and universalism. More and more churches and religions are tearing down the walls of denominationalism and its associated doctrines. All faiths and all religions are welcome. Unity and equality are the forging values of progressivism. If a person has been turned away from any church because of their sexual orientation, for instance, there are plenty of progressive churches that welcome them with open arms and without judgment or condemnation. Many are even pastored by ordained LGBT+ persons and couples, giving enormous approval and acceptance to its diversity and inclusion.


The insistence that many paths of religion lead to God, whether you are Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, or otherwise (as Oprah Winfrey boldly insists), is a growing ideology in the religious world. Even more accommodating are the tenets of universalism that essentially assure people that no loving, gracious, and merciful God would ever send anyone to such a horrible, suffering place as hell. So, if there really is a hell (and many refute that reality), God would never allow anyone to go there. When it is all said and done, God will welcome all His created persons into His presence in Heaven for all eternity. Progressivism rallies that concept. It matters not, then, how a person lives, whether according to the truth of God’s Word or not, all make it to a heavenly reward.  “Do you not see all these things?”


Even more important is the question, “How can you escape all these things?”  Those John identifies in Revelation as the ones who will be forced to worship the Antichrist is everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain (13:8). Only those who have surrendered their heart and life to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior & Lord have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. They are the ones who will be taken from the earth in the Rapture before the Tribulation Period begins and the Antichrist rises to power (I Thessalonians 4:13-17; II Thessalonians 2:7-10). The people left behind are those who stubbornly and pridefully rejected God and His offer of salvation by grace through faith. When you read the catastrophic judgments being poured upon the earth during those seven years, it is easy to understand why no one would want to be left here to endure those atrocities.


Despite their rejection and rebellion, God will still extend His grace & mercy during this time of judgment and wrath. Hopefully, millions will come to their senses and give their lives to Christ even though it may cause their execution by the evil Antichrist and his False Prophet. The best opportunity anyone has to make their commitment to Christ is now – Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation (II Corinthians 6:2). The best time to give your life to Jesus is during this current Age of Grace that will end at the moment of the Rapture.


If you have been able to bring into focus the embedded three-dimensional image in the autostereogram above, you have discovered it is a heart, which often symbolizes love. Jesus is love (I John 4:8), and Scripture admonishes us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2). He has everything under control, and nothing happening or evolving in this world is outside His knowledge and sovereign rule. There is a prophetic calendar that is unfolding, and current world conditions indicate its every fulfillment is sound and sure.


“Do you not see all these things?” If you do, straighten up and lift up your heads (eyes wide open with expectancy & anticipation) because your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28).



Rick M. Smith

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