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the Dismantling doctrines of demons trilogy

Anchor 1
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Disclosing the Darkness (Volume One)

A mysterious prophecy was given to a prisoner awaiting certain execution in a dark dungeon beneath the streets of ancient Rome in A.D. 62, showing convincing evidence of being fulfilled in our contemporary American culture & society.

This prophecy reveals its divine source and the season of human history in which it will come to pass. It will involve a shocking separation of cultural and religious beliefs & practices. Supernatural surrogates will promote its diabolical standard so that nations, governments, economies, and world leaders will ultimately bow in allegiance to its tenants.

The system that drives this elaborate network has a defined set of strategies & schemes employed to assure it does not fail to implement its sinister plan of dominance, deception, deviation, division, and death.

Despite its best efforts, failure will be its ultimate fate. Confronting a force more powerful than itself, accompanied by an army too massive to calculate, wielding an arsenal of weapons too destruction to intercept, it will fall in every attempt to prevail.

Anchor 2
Defining the Doctrines
(Volume Two)

A covert indoctrination is underway in America promoting a belief system with radical shifts in values & policies and preparing us for the transition into a developing new form of multinational globalization.

Many voices are often heard asking today, “What is this world coming to?” Many things are changing in radical ways at alarming rates. Emerging from the power & control of partisan ideologies in government, major shifts are being instigated in our nation’s socio-economic program, foreign & domestic policy, social justice, and the moral & ethical codes that have traditionally guided our ways of life.

Is it all just politics? Is it just a friendly game of tug-a-war between the left and the right? Or is it something deeper? Something far more sinister, even diabolical?

An ancient prophecy provides insightful answers to these challenging questions. It reveals an undercurrent of demonic forces operating in the supernatural realms of darkness, immersing our nation and world with beliefs & practices that serve a shrewdly crafted evil mission.

In this second volume of his trilogy, Rick M. Smith defines five basic doctrines driving these cultural shifts: the doctrines of dominance, deception, deviation, division, and death. He pulls back the curtains to show their presence and influence in every area of American life. What progressive thinking leaders see as a bold new world of global cooperation is being sabotaged by sinister forces guiding these means to a diabolical end no nation would rationally choose.

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Anchor 3
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Discovering the Deliverance
(Volume Three)

Shocking and sobering events that are soon to unfold on the earth will shake mankind to the very essence of his being and rattle our planet from core to crust like nothing in geological history. How can you escape these cataclysmic sureties?


The claims of Scriptural apocalyptic foresight have been heralded for centuries. How could we have proclaimed these Biblical certainties so confidently over the years and not anticipate that days would come when their happenings would begin to unfold right before our eyes?

Their time for consummation has never been more discernable. What world conditions indicate where we are in this prophetic timetable? To what eventualities are these conditions driving us? How will we get there and can those pathways be identified on the global scene?

In this final volume in the series, Rick M. Smith opens our eyes to possibilities advancing through radical ideologies & agendas currently being pushed by extreme leftists, the massive strides of socio-economic development being advocated through the Great Reset initiative, and flowing seamlessly through the undercurrents of DEI, ESG, and MMT, all rallied around public panic surrounding the “existential threat” of climate change.

Just as a pandemic calamity set a new course for global relations, an impending trumpet sound & archangel command will soon change the course of human history…and nothing will ever be the same again. How can you safeguard yourself and your family and escape the atrocities associated with what is coming soon? If you have allowed your life to become entangled in this dark web of evil, corruption, and wickedness, how can you break free and experience true freedom through deliverance? Take a journey through the pages of this timely message and discover your deliverance.

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